Friday, April 29, 2016

Topic Sentences

Visit the link to view many examples of Topic Sentence starters. In a Reply/Turn In for this assignment: Write 3 different topic sentences that you can use to start your Natural Disaster Essay. Then choose your favorite and write it on your pink Expository Essay Planning Map.

Click HERE to view Website on Topic Sentences

Click HERE to post your responses on Edmodo

Transition Words

Attached is a link to a list of transition words. Some would be good for your essay and some will not. Which one's are good? And which one's wont work?

 Hit "reply" and tell me... and the class what you think. 

Then choose 3 and put them on your Expository Essay Planning Map in the 3 transition boxes.

Click HERE to post your response on Edmodo

Click HERE to view website on Transition Words

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Spring 2016 Important Dates

Friday, April 29th- Expository Essay Paragraphs Packet Due

Friday, May 6th- Persuasive Essay Paragraphs Packet Due

Friday, May 13th- Natural Disaster Essay (expository paragraphs, persuasive paragraphs,
bibliography) due
Click Here for Essay Rubric

Friday, May 20th- Safety Kit Commercial due
Click Here for Commercial Rubric

Friday, May 27th- Infomercial Script due
Click Here for Infomercial Rubric

Thursday, June 2nd: Presentation Night 6:00pm